The Alacra Authority File is a comprehensive source of entity reference data on common entities that many financial institutions track as counterparties. Against this common set of entities, Alacra expands, enriches and monitors entity changes and delivers changes daily to clients. The entity universe includes all of the publically available data from the CTFC?s Interim Compliant Identifier (CICI) and enhances and expands the attributes available to help financial institutions prepare for the release of the global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).
The Alacra Authority File cost-effectively solves a significant part of your reference data and compliance problems.� We provide key reference data attributes on 200,000 global legal entities as well as their regulatory, listing and rating agency status and a comprehensive map of industry standard entity identifiers.
- Accurate reference data
- Prepare for LEI
- Accelerate KYC remediation
- Receive daily updates to data
- 200,000 entities
- Clean reference data - name, address, industry classification
- Additional attributes - listing, rating, regulatory status
- Entity Identifier Mapping